Recreational activities and continuous education

The conduct and restrictions of recreational activities and continuous education depend on the level of risk in force in the country. To ensure safety, the use of personal equipment must be preferred in recreational activities, shaking hands and hugging must be avoided, a sufficient distance from other people must be kept, and the recommendations of dispersion even in outdoor conditions must be followed.

Current restrictions

In order to avoid the spread of the virus and getting infected, to protect the life and health of the people and to ensure the functioning of the society, it is necessary to follow the enacted guidelines and recommendations. 

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Educational activities take place in the regular manner. It is still important to follow the dispersion and disinfection rules. It is recommended to wear a mask in a crowded spaces. 

Doing sports and training is allowed both alone and in groups, sports facilities are open. It is recommended to wear a mask in crowded indoor spaces, especially for risk groups. It is also recommended to keep a reasonable distance, if possible, and to wash or disinfect hands regularly.

All visitors over the age of 12 have to wear a mask if the nature of the activity allows.

If you have COVID-19 or suspect you have fallen ill, contact your family physician or call the family physicians’ advisory line (1220). If you develop any symptoms, please do not visit the emergency department or visit your family physician in person, but instead first ask for the advice of your family physician over the phone.

  • Remain at home for at least five days (even if you are asymptomatic). Contact your family physician for a certificate to show your incapacity for work or a certificate for care leave.
  • Avoid contact with other people.
  • Please notify your close contacts that they may have been infected.

The close contacts of a person diagnosed with COVID-19 should self-isolate for at least five days and monitor their health. It is especially important to avoid contact with people belonging to a risk group (regardless of their vaccination status). If complete isolation is not possible, wear a protective mask that tightly covers the nose and mouth.

It is not necessary to observe the advice to remain at one’s own residence or permanent place of abode for five calendar days in the following cases:

  • the individual is vaccinated (or is the equivalent to a vaccinated person), has received a booster vaccination, and less than one year has passed since they received their most recent vaccination
  • the individual has completed the initial COVID-19 vaccination cycle and less than nine months (270 days) has passed since they received their most recent vaccination
  • the individual is considered to be the equivalent to a vaccinated individual (ie. they have recovered from the virus and have received one vaccine dose), and less than nine months (270 days) have passed since they received their most recent vaccine
  • the individual has had COVID-19 within the past six months (180 days) and has been declared by a physician to have recovered.

Ametkonnad jagavad infot

Haridus- ja Teadusministeerium
Üldhariduskoolide, kutse- ja ülikoolide, lasteaedade ja -hoidude, täiendkoolituste ja noorsootöö kehtivad reeglid ja piirangud. 

Info koroonaviiruse, selle ennetamise, ravi ja leviku kohta, juhendid ja infomaterjalid haigestunutele, lähikontaktsetele, asutustele ja ettevõtetele.

Haridus- ja Noorteamet
Juhised, materjalid, koolitused ja nõuanded õppetöö praktiliseks korraldamiseks.

Kultuuriasutuste piirangud, sündmuste ja kultuuriürituste korraldamine ja sportimine viiruse leviku ajal.

Last updated: 02.01.2023